HIGH TECHNOLOGY – Hardware – Software

A product line that can respond to all those who need simple and reliable systems.
Excellent stereoscopic vision independent adjustment of diopters and interpupillary distance for maximum operator adaptability.Ergonomics, flexibility, modularity.
Can be integrated with Laser

Thanks to patented technology, iside line colposcopes are the best products currently available on the market.
The iside colposcope is the only integrated system for video colposcopy, video vulvoscopy, and video microscopy that provides ergonomics, flexibility, and modularity.
All colposcopes can be integrated with lasers.

A unique system that integrates ergonomic seating with outstanding features and highly innovative technology capable of delivering a quality of work never seen before.
An integrated colposcopy/videocolposcopy system that frees from the clutter of various components while giving a unique working experience.